American Academy For Modern Studies

The American Academy For Modern Studies AAMS works to raise awareness of the importance of knowledge, develop professional skills, and gain experience through training and education programs to refine and enhance human resources quality, raise their efficiency, enhance performance, and achieve professional growth.
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AAMS participates with training providers through innovative solutions and clear creative techniques as well as specific practical procedures to continuously meet quality standards, support the credibility of the quality of training services, and increase their competitiveness to meet the growing needs of graduates with distinguished skills.
AAMS standards designed under international principles and regulations are models for our partners to follow in consulting, training, and professional development to achieve quality and enable our customers to maximize their efficiency. We provide our partners with real experiences, modern ideas, and various programs that help them qualify and prepare graduates with a high professional level.


Accelerating innovation and continuous development of examination and accreditation standards is our priority. Our mission is to promote vocational education and training programs that can develop knowledge, skills and link them with economic and industrial development to employ qualified graduates for global labor markets to meet the challenges.
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Accelerating innovation and continuous development of examination and accreditation standards is our priority. Our mission is to promote vocational education and training programs that can develop knowledge, skills and link them with economic and industrial development to employ qualified graduates for global labor markets to meet the challenges.
  • Reliable
  • Fast
  • Safe
  • Best


  • AAMS provides special accreditation services to fulfill our commitments effectively and reliably.
  • AAMS seeks to create innovative solutions based on technical and practical excellence.
  • AAMS works openly, legally, and based on mutual trust to ensure those good relations are established and maintained.
  • AAMS ensures that our services and activities will be performed and provided professionally and transparently.
  • AAMS emphasizes our compliance with high-quality standards to ensure excellence.
  • AAMS approach is constant improvement in professional training and studies development.
  • AAMS is committed to provide our clients with consultations and solutions and apply the full partnership system in our works.
  • AAMS bear's responsibility and understand the importance of critical thinking to improve performance and achieve excellence.
  • Reliable
  • Fast
  • Safe
  • Best

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Dr Jason George

Dr Daniel David

Dr.Mona Husin

Dr Brad Danny

Dr David Tom 

Dr Luis gery

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